JARVIS-AI Software Developer

Ab0ut M3 Pr0j3cts My Site >_{cl!c|> 1t} My P0rtfolio {R3sume} 0ur PasteB!n

My Expertise

Amir Mohammad Safari Livari from Tehran born 19th january of 1997, Started learning how to program when he was 8 and wrote his "Hello World" before starting guidance highschool! Then He did not do something special other than studying his lessons till 2009, by that year, he started going deeper in algorithms and datastructure and Mathematics Discrete. After he learned enough, he started to develop and run his own apps both desktop and small platforms and websites. Now he is writing his experiences with gnu/linux and macOS in his website or blog, AMSL ir. Beside that He is studying university and travle to London soon.


Developing some applications for myself and using theme like sub fixer and terminal games and iOS app for my iphone. Also making my CV to be great but now I have a few hot item in my hand because currently I'm learning but sooner I do great works and add them here. Now working on web mailing and web designing and study on Phishing pages on net to learn about it and Defend it.


All of my codes in my projects is clear and can be understand and read by the newer to this situation so then I continue my this properate and may some mans give a contact for work. My team have good coder and ACMer of IBM challenge


We currently study for IOI Olympiad | ACM ICPC and study university lessons for Better digree so we can not accept all projects and works. And yes we are working on gitHub and doing cool things by Atom Editor (Try it)

Featured Projects

Truth Table Generator
  • Java Script - python - C / CPP / HTML / CSS
  • This a Generator but not same as other, This is TRuth Table Generator that you insert a formula and it calculate it and make a table for constructor and discrete base of math and help you find what is the x , y of row in formula discrete and which one is 0 1 or 1 0 0 01 1010101 01010 :D .It can convert from decimal to binary or in reverse. Some time later i upload it in my git and my site you can use it by your self.

    Check it out

    My Site
    • Wordpress CMS / HTML /CSS /PHP /AJAX / JQUERY / MYSQL

    This is my site where i will upload my projects and my works, I created it for community that my friends my teachers works together on projects and making cool things. Now it is under maintence mode because of I am editing it also themes and code CSS and HTML for Performance and Speed. After that I will share it with you. Its take times

    Check it out


    • Desktop Applications (master): C++ , Python , Swift
    • Algorithms Design (master): Datastructure Time-complexity Discrete-Mathematics
    • Competitions (master): ACM IEEE HACKERRANK TOPCODER

    • Web Development (pro): HTML CSS Javascript php
    • Webserver Configuration (pro): Virtualmin Apache Mailserver Firewall
    • Mobile Developments (pro): Kernels android iOS

    • Network (amateur): Cisco Oracle IBM Network+
    • Secutiry (amateur): Hacking and Defence Offensive Security Defcon BlackHats
    • Driving (Starter) : Driving Grade 3 - My best coache is my uncle : Mahdi Safari Livari - still I'm learning from my uncle

    Volunteer Work


    Project Euler

    Solving 400 / 500 Mathematics Problems in Project Euler you can find it by Devil Black Boys ID in Top 100 Users.

    Linux Support

    Arch Linux installation and Bug Kernel patched

    Found bug in arch repo and patch kernel after find algorithm of situation and send data to its company found in archlinux.org/bugs

    Achive Honorable Mensioned By
    ACM ICPC 2017

    As ACM ICPC baylor to baylor in 2017 | My team with me achive the certificate of IBM ACM for winnig in under 100 team accepted of 379 Team all over in my country.



    Native Language


    Second Language | {F.C.E} - {C.A.E} - {C.P.E} | Ready for IELTS and TOFEL


    Third Language | Learning Kanji and Hiragana two way of Japanese and I love it so much. (I love Anime like crazy one)